Satigur Kar Deenai
Satigur kar deenai asthir Ghar baar
Llo llo Nind karai en grihan Kee
Tis aagai Hee maarai kartaar
Satigur kar deenai asthir Ghar baar
Nanak DAAS taa saranaa Kee-ee
Jaa ko Shabad Akhand apaar
The Guru has protected our homes.
Whoever slanders these homes
Is destined by the Creator, the Lord, to be defeated.
The Guru has protected our homes.
Nanak seeks refuge in the Lord,
Whose word is Infinite and Eternal.
This mantra invokes a powerful force of love within the home. The presence of high angelic energy is specifically called upon to protect our home and the heart of the home. It is an affirmative prayer, and we feel that this protection is already a reality, making it especially potent. The force of the Universe rushes in to support it.
"Divine angel, my angel, this humble prayer I offer at your feet. Keep this home safe and warm throughout the night. Embrace your beloved children tightly, throughout the night."
Reference images, some are photomontages; the final finish, being handmade, is always different from one to another.