Adi Shakti Mantra
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Gurú
Ek Ong Kar - The Creator and creation are one.
Sat Nam Siri - This is our true identity.
Wahe Guru - The ecstasy of this wisdom goes far beyond words.
This mantra is extremely powerful and energizing. It awakens your Kundalini energy, opens all your chakras, charges your solar centers, connects your soul to the universal soul, and frees you from the cycle of karma. These eight syllables are like a code, the direct personal phone number that connects you, the creature, to your Creator. These are the exact keys you press to send the message to your Infinite Self. Your entire system vibrates with these sounds. Each sound vibrates and integrates a different chakra, bringing it to its full radiance within the aura. It is a mantra of total immersion into the Infinite, bringing union with the Ultimate Cosmic Energy.
Reference images: some are photomontages. The final finish, being handmade, is always unique.